Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ten questions Atheist cant answer!

These questions were taken from Mr.Ray Comforts myspace page. I believe that Mariel has answered him to the best of her knowledge ( she Is a 21 year old student). I feel that Mr.comfort and his life partner, Kirk Cameron are the biggest examples of evolution. I put out this claim based on the fact that as people seek truth through science, those stuck in the dark ages with their fear religion mind set, are less evolved then modern scientific man. Please comment openly, (there is no religion higher then knowledge) I am always seeking truth free of social justice. C.Bitter and Reverend Mariel Chance

Here is a copy of the letter sent to Mr.Comfort, Writen by Revrend Chance.

What was in the beginning?2. How will life on earth end?3. What happens after death?4. What is the purpose of existence?5. Why there is order in all of creation?6. Why there is morality in every civilization? 7. Why does every civilization believe in a Creator?8. Why does every sane person have a conscience, even when it is not dictated by society?9. How did nothing create everything?10. Which came first--the chicken or the egg?

To you, I would be considered an “atheist”. I do not believe in “God”. You say atheists can’t answer these questions; well I am going to prove you wrong.

In the beginning, there was energy. Energy never dies, always exists and can create new things. There were stars, matter, and eventually enough energy built up to create the “big bang”. That is how our earth was created. And if you want to ask, before the big bang, there was energy.

All life on earth will eventually end. The sun is going to burn out and die. The sun is a star. Look up in the sky, you will see many stars, living and dying. A star will not last forever, and the sun being a big star, will too die. The earth then will grow cold and will not be able to sustain life. I don’t know what kind of earth/space science they teach in Christian education, but in the real world, these are all facts.

3. After I die my body will go into the ground, decompose and go back into the earth
therefore, being reborn as energy. I will be living on in people’s air, food, and

4. The purpose of existence is relative to all people. My purpose may be different
from your purpose. The existence of humans is the same as any other animals, to
survive, reproduce and contribute to population control of plants and animals.

Who’s to say there’s order in all of creation? Chaos is relevant to creation. Chaos is so natural that in your Bible, there was chaos in God’s kingdom that
God could not even stop.

There is morality because there are laws. If there were no morality no one would
be leading very productive lives. Morality is nothing but the basis of all laws, which are created by people. See Hammurabi’s code, which existed long before the creation of Middle Eastern religion.

First of all, you can’t be exclusive and say that every civilization believes in a
creator. How do you know that? But I can tell you that many forms of religion were created to control people. It’s easy to control people when you speak of things that cannot be proven. Therefore, religion has been created by chaos.

Conscience is part of the human brain. The human brain consists of neurons and
chemicals which control all aspects of our personality including conscience. The lack of conscience is a psychological disorder called being a sociopath, therefore having a conscience is a normal state of mind. It comes from humans evolving over time and living with the laws of who they interact with socially. Our brains evolve, and conciseness is always changing to fit the norm.

How can you say there was nothing? Energy has always existed and that is a
form of matter, certainly not nothing. There has never been nothing. It is archaic to think that there was at a point, nothing. It’s an ignorant statement used to fool weak-minded people.

What came first, man or middle eastern religion? You can’t prove the existence
of a God, by an age old rhetorical question, but I’ll give it a crack. The chicken probably evolved from some early amphibious animal and then laid the egg.

If you read this, thank you very much Mr. Comfort. It’s always good to give myself a brain exercise. I respect your ideas, but don’t have to agree to them. I am just trying to prove you wrong when saying “atheists” can’t answer those questions. I believe they were answered very efficiently by a college freshman.

I recently saw your program on TV, and was wondering why you, and Mr. Cameron were sitting in tanks talking as if we were getting ready to go to war with the Muslim faith. Are you trying to militarize your branch of Christianity? I know you are a follower of the Book of Acts, which in most cases, theological researchers dispute that Paul was even following Christ.

Mariel Chance

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